Year A


Ezekiel 34:11-12.15-17

Psalm 23:1-2a.2b-3.5.6 (R. 1)

1 Corinthians 15:20-26.28

Matthew 25:31-46


As we are approaching elections, the politicians seek to make themselves visible to us, so that we will vote for them.  They do this by informing us about what they have done for the country and their capabilities.  The idea is that to become really visible, you must help the country in infrastructure and other things that will benefit the country. 

But is that how to be really visible?  Where does real visibility lie? 

Only in the Word of God. Only in the word of  God who became flesh (cf. John 1:14). Because  it was from this same Word of God that all that is visible came into being. Thus from the invisible the visible world came to be, and the invisible himself also became visible. 
Hebrews 11:3

"It is by faith that we understand that the ages were created by a word from God, so that from the invisible the visible world came to be."
Let's shift the Language of visibility and invisibility further from its literal sense to a metaphorical sense.  There are some of us who are visible and there are some of us who are invisible. Those who are visible are those who really help others and are not afraid to enter the dark to serve the light. Those who are invisible and are not recognized by others are those who are indifferent. These people don't care about whatever happens to the world or the country they leave in. As we are approaching elections, we will hear of those who have swear consciously or unconsciously  not to participate in the election. 

These are those that today's gospel will classify as goats.  They do not care about the growth of the country, the Church or God's Kingdom on earth.  All they care about is themselves.  Selflessness.  Such wickedness is very dangerous to life, because selflessness breeds death. In fact the opposite of life is not death, is indifferent. These invisible people are killing the world. 

These goats are worsening the condition of the world we live in. As I was in a Taxi going to Church today, I encountered a situation where I politely correct the action of the Taxi driver. After eating in the Car, the driver threw the plastic bag that was covering the food out of the car onto the road. He accepted his mistake, but what he said later really got me thinking; he said, Ghanaians, we know that these actions can cause a lot of problems in the future, but the current problem is that, it has become a habit, a stoping it is not easy. 

Yes is true, stopping a habit like that is not easy. But if we believe that such a habit is wrong, we have reached half a way to stopping it. If we believe and know that a particular habit is wrong we can face it head on, because the identification of the problem is part of the solution.  Habits can be changed, new habits can replace old ones. Let's allow the good but invisible habits change our bad visible habits, so that the world will be a better place. 

In fact come to think of it. If in the first reading God promised to become our Shepherd of which the responsorial Psalm affirms with the famous Psalm 23, and we are told in the second reading that Jesus Christ will give the Kingdom to the Father so that God will be all in all as he is, and in the gospel we are told that the sheep are those who gave the Lord food when he was hungry, water when he was thirsty, shelter when he was a stranger, and visited him when he was sick and in prison, I think the big question we must answer is that;

Why is it that God promised to be our Shepherd, yet he wants us the Sheep to care for him our Shepherd? 
First of all, the hallmark of the Sheep is that, they listen  to the voice of the Shepherd.  The voice of the Shepherd is always that they should follow him.  
John 10:27 
"The sheep that belong to me listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me."
What does this mean if not that Sheep are to become shepherds for other Sheep, so that the work of the Shepherd will be effective.  We are to help those in need, in so doing, we are following our Shepherd.  Thus since it's the Word of God who can make us visible, when we follow his footsteps, we have become really visible. 

Just us if you are in a country and if you don't help in your own way for the progress of the country, you will suffer the consequences, so to if you are a Christian and part of the Body of Christ Jesus, and you don't help for the growth of his Kingdom by helping others to see the King of glory whom we celebrate today in their lives,  you with your indifferent life will face the consequences of eternal damnation. 

If you are the light of the world, why are you afraid to enter the dark, why are you afraid to enter people's lives, why are you afraid to sacrifice for people to see God at work in the world.  
Matthew 25:30
"...where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth."
Remember, those who will experience hell are those who grind their teeth against the Holy One (Psalm 37:12),who is Consuming fire (cf. Hebrews 12:), and being everywhere is All in All.

By  Sylvester Amakye-Quayson 
