Tuesday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time (Doing the Will of the Father in Heaven)

Year A 

Micah 7:14-15.18-20

Psalm 85:2-4.5-6.7-8 (R. 8a)

Matthew 12:46-50

Doing the Will of the Father in Heaven. 

In today's gospel, Jesus Christ affirms the reason why  Mary is his Mother, and also extend his family to all who wants to be saved.

Matthew 12:50

"For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother, and sister, and mother."

Reflecting on the gesture  of Jesus before He said that those who do the will of his Father in heaven are part of his family,  we are drawn to the Cross.

Before Jesus went to die on the Cross, at Gethsemane he pleaded that if it was possible the cup should pass him by, but giving in to the Father he said the Father's will be done.

Matthew  26:42

"Again, a second time, he went away and prayed: 'My Father,' he said, 'if this cup cannot pass by, but I must drink, it your will be done!' 

So accepting his Father's will, he went on to stretch out his hands on the Cross, Sacrificing himself for our sins and making his sacrifice a Thanksgiving sacrifice to God, who through the Cross, as the first reading talks of, has pardoned our iniquity and delighting in mercy, has cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.

Today as he stretches out his hands and invites us to not just copy the gesture of surrendering to God, but actually surrendering our life to God like his Mother Mary who surrendering herself to God's will, the incarnation was made possible, and the greatest miracle ever to happen on earth occurred; God took flesh and became man, the Creator became a creature. 

If God is our Shepherd, then the Cross is the staff he uses to Shepherd his people. On the Cross the Word of God complete the will of the Father, who when he sends,  his Word like rain must do all that is assigned to him. 

Isaiah 55:10-11 
For, as the rain and the snow come down from the sky and do not return before having watered the earth, fertilising it and making it germinate to provide seed for the sower and food to eat, so it is with the word that goes from my mouth: it will not return to me unfulfilled or before having carried out my good pleasure and having achieved what it was sent to do.
All that the Father wants from us is to surrender to his merciful love.  We must remember that from the our Father prayer, once we do his will, his Kingdom is among us.  That means all the problems of this world will be coming to an end, and the earth give to those who do the Father's will.

Matthew 5: 3

 How blessed are the poor in spirit: the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs. 

If you are willing to do the will of the Father in heaven, then let your every moment be  guided by the act of stretching out you hands and surrendering to God. Doing this,   God fills you who are poor in spirit with the Holy Spirit who will help you to discern and do the will of God on earth as it is in heaven. 

Just as when Mary surrendered to the will of God the Creator became a creature, so too when we surrender to  God, we the creatures (Humans) are given the opportunity to become like God. Because  in surrendering to God, He becomes our veritable life to liveGod Loves you. 
Sylvester Amakye-Quayson 
