Thursday of the Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time

30th July,2020

Year A  

Jeremiah 18:1-6

Psalm 146:1b-2.3-4.5-6ab

Matthew 13:47-53

The Master of the House 

Our hope in God stems from the fact that he can take broken pieces and make them master pieces. You may feel useless, unwanted, or unworthy. But all things are possible for God (cf. Matthew 19:26). For him who called everything out of nothing into being by his Word, your problem is but nothing before him.

Like the famous quote, "we are nothing but pencils in  the hand of the Creator," from the Super Story TV series, today's first reading makes us aware that, as creatures like clay in the hands of the potter, our Creator, we are still in the plan of God. God has a plan for you.  

Since he has a plan for us and we are still in his hands, we must know that he has given us an enormous power, the power of obedience.  As long as we are obedient to him and allow him to complete his plan with us, we are not useless and we are not unwanted.

When we do not utilize the power of obedience given to us, we  deny God and hence live a life of corruption and sin. From the beginning when our first parents brought corruption to our nature, our Creator as the potter found a way to mend and mold us again.  We sold him for thirty pieces of silver, a price for slaves, so that he himself seeking to redeem us became man and died on the Cross. 
Zechariah 11:13

"And the LORD said to me, Cast it to the potter: a goodly price that I was priced at of them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter in the house of the LORD."
Now if he is always willing to save us, it is up to us to allow him to work with us. Even the fishes have to be obedient for the saving net at harvest time to save them from the bad as is proclaimed in today's gospel. 

When Jesus called Peter, he said he will become a fisher of men, and thus he trained the Apostles for the task of leading others to obey God and allowing him to finish the work he is doing with them and us. Today's gospel says a person trained for such a work is like a master of a house. Having the breath of God in ourselves makes God the Master of us, and we are his house.

This is the reason why we must be careful with the life we live, conforming our will to God's will and growing in his hands. 

Mark 13:35 

"So stay awake, because you do not know when the master of the house is coming, evening, midnight, cockcrow or dawn."
With his hands, he makes all things beautiful; with his hands he saves us from troubles we conjure for ourselves. In his hands we are given a chance to be saved and set free from the slavery of sin.

Think about this:

John 8:36 

"So if the Son sets you free, you will indeed be free."

God is willing to save you; he who called all things out of nothing into existence, has a plan for you.  With the power of obedience he has given you, remain in his hands.

Sylvester Amakye-Quayson 

Edited by 
Michael Owusu Amponsah
