Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Year A

1 Kings 3:5.7-12

Psalm 119:57 and  72.76-77.127-128.129-130 (R. 97a)

Romans 8:28-30

Matthew 13: 44-52

The Wisdom from God 

On this 17 Sunday of ordinary time, the Church reminds us that the greatest of all treasures is the Kingdom of God. In his love, God himself has chosen us, and prepared it for us before time. So, the holy mother church encourages us to pray for wisdom as Solomon did, to enable us discern the true value and mysteries of God’s kingdom.

Today’s first reading began in a very interesting way. If you were Solomon what would you ask for? I guess, some of us would ask for more cars, houses, shoes, foods, money, power, children and much more! On the contrary, Solomon asked for wisdom for the benefit of both his kingdom and God’s kingdom. He begged God to give him understanding:

Give your servant a heart to understand how to discern between good and evil.”

An understanding heart is God’s gift (Prov 2:6). We need it every day, and in all aspects of our life (family, work, studies, and in all life’s decisions) in order to succeed. So, the Apostle James encourages us: “If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously…and it will be given to you (Jas 1:5) . Wisdom was given to Solomon, because he asked for it. However, God expects us to ask wisely, reasonably and not selfishly.

In the second reading, Paul reminds us that: “ In everything, God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose. ” That is, that God is leading us through the storms of life towards our home, and towards his kingdom. Carefully, He orders all the events of our lives in order to lead us there. This is what we call providence. Simply put, that God’s powerful hand is active in all the circumstances of our lives.

“Everything” is utterly inclusive and comprehensive. It has no qualifications or limits. Therefore, neither this verse nor its context allows for restrictions or conditions. “All things” is inclusive in the fullest possible sense. It includes my present trouble, my heavy heart, my poverty, my richness, my joblessness, my success and failure, my weakness and strength, as well as my sickness and good health. Indeed, “everything” and nothing excluded!

Nothing exists or occurs in heaven or on earth without the knowledge of God. By saying that “all things work together for us,” Paul assures us that there is no discord in God’s providence. This is especially, for those who through their faith in Christ have wisely become God’s friends. He also assures us that, nothing can ultimately work against those whom God has chosen and predestined for his Kingdom. Those, who walk faithfully with him.

Today’s gospel is a continuation of Jesus’ use of parables to teach us about the Kingdom of God. Therefore, it is a call to be as wise as Solomon. Without wisdom, we can neither understand the parables of Christ, nor seek the kingdom of God. Today’s good news is also a call to value what is most precious to us, and for which God has chosen us.

What is the mystery revealed in this parable? That the kingdom of God was something that had to be personally appropriated. They expected to be part of the kingdom simply because of their blood relationship to Abraham. We see this same thing again in the next parable.Beloved, God is longsuffering and not willing that any should perish but that all should repent ( 2 Peter 3:9 ), that is why He is so tolerant of sin and sinful men and women at this present time, but a day is coming in which is His period of patience will end and judgment will come. That judgment will seem quick when it comes, but that is only because sinful man refuses to see the warning signs.

A fish swimming through the water does not think twice about a net should it happen to bump into it. It simply swims away from it thinking itself to be free. But slowly, the net draws around it and only as that net closes together do the fish become excited and start thrashing about, but by then it is too late.The scriptures warn in Romans that God’s wrath is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteous men. 

What is the value of the kingdom of heaven? Everything! There should be no higher pursuit than making sure that you are part of it and then serving within it. God is holy and just, and He will punish those who will not follow Him. Hell is a real place. But God is also loving from which extends His grace and mercy, and He has provided the means by which all men and women can escape the doom of Hell and gain the joy of heaven simply by turning to Him.

But you cannot do that and hold onto doing things your own way, but what cost is that in view of the value of Life in Christ and the utter contrast between heaven and hell? If you do not personally know Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior, then you have been warned that your destiny is eternal Hell unless you follow the advice given Isaiah 55:6 , 7 which was read earlier,

Seek the Lord while He may be found; Call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return to the LORD, and He will have compassion on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.”

Through these parables, Christ reminds us of the excellence and beauty of eternal life. The kingdom of God is indeed a treasure hidden from the wise of this world.Only those who are wise according to God’s standard look for it, and find it. To find it, we must first value it, and when we have found it, we must hide it in our hearts.

God Bless us all.

Emmanuel Amos Morkeh 
